Friday, July 22, 2011

Results..Renee Primary Schools

Start off my blog with my lil girl will be start schooling in Primary School next year.  We have been submitting the application since last year and the school which we have choosen is a Convent School.  We just hoping that the application to this school is successful as we are using our home address which is at Sentul.

Althought most of my friends and colleague was applying for their child in 'Chinese School' but not mine as I decide to enroll her in Convent Schoo and she is now attending a Private Chinese Tuition class (as long she can read & speak in Chinese) that is good enough for her.  I am also in the plan to enroll her into the 'Arithmetric' Classes.  Hope with all this activities given to her is sufficient enough time for her to cover time rather than she spending time on TV Programme during the weekdays. 

Finally, on the 1st week of July we have finally got the result and the application is success.  Myself and hubby feel so relieve as we do not have to appeal again on this application but the only thing is that we have to register my girl by 5th August.  By don't want delay anything, coicidence I was on half day leave on the 19th July so decided to take as full day leave to submit all the registration.

Preparing all the document required is not as complicated as you think but once you have all the things prepared and you are ready for registration.  After sending my girl to kindy, we went straight to the school and submist the registration form and the documentation required.  Didn't expect the registration is so fast and easy and by paying school name tags fee which cost about RM4.00 for 4 name tags (cheap) to be sew to the school uniform.  During the registration, was being told by the clerk that for Standard 1 the class will start on the last 2 weeks of December 2011 in morning session,  once the actual date of the school open they will go back to afternoon session.  Hope my girl can cope with the timing of school as she used to be in morning session since Kindy.

Our next preparation is on the buying her school uniform, shoes, exercise books, school bags, stationery etc... so much thing to prepare.  Was wondering if my girl is excited with her primary school life but as a parents we are excited about it....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Little Journey of Cindy's World

It's been quite sometime that I have been off hand on my blog... I know that my blog is started to get rusty and boring. 

Things been really happening to me on my work, life but with the good news come 3 months ago that makes myself, hubby & my lil girl excited in welcoming my 2nd baby. 

I will make a move to start  blogging down every single little journey of mine on my 2nd pregnancy and revolving time on preparing my grown up lil girl to enter in primary school life.

More to come soon...